A couple of my friends started an online magazine a while back and this month marks its two-year anniversary. Farmhouse is a bi-monthly online outlet featuring original fiction, poetry, satire, visual art and music. I'm told in the coming issues they'll be adding some new sections and adding some more staff to make it even bigger and better.
I've always enjoyed reading Farmhouse and this month, for their second anniversary issue, I'm super-excited because Farmhouse is running a satire piece I wrote.
I hope everyone will check out the whole site at www.farmhousemagazine.com and also read my article, which you can access by clicking on the "satire" link at the top.
My article's original inspiration is "the guy" in this story. The take on "He's Just Not that Into You" came a bit later, but I thought it worked well from a pop culture commentary perspective. I actually don't own, nor have I read that book. But my friend Jessica does and she likes to read me passages from it sometimes. (From her readings, it's pretty clear to me that no one in the continental 48 states is all that "into me" unless they are totally creepy). I also figured out a way to reference that movie I love to reference and love to hate (but people think I love it because I reference it all the time). You'll understand when you read it (if you know anything about me).
Side note, I was in Atlantic City over the weekend, and am really running on empty right now. Later in the week I'll try and recap the highlights. Don't worry it involves a pact the group made upon arrival that "if anyone gets shit on by a seagull, that person gets free drinks for the whole weekend."
Rachel, who shall now be referred to as "ricochet Rachel" and I got free drinks. (If you need me to spell it our for you, Seagull feces hit Rachel on the forehead and then ricocheted off her forehead and onto my chest.) I guess 15 minutes of laughing and high-fiving is about the best reaction you can have to getting shit on.
I'm laughing SO hard right now. I tried to tell my officemate this story but 1. i was laughing through the whole thing so i dont think he understood what i was saying and 2. I dont think he got the hummor.
Usually satire is pretty blatent, like A Modest Proposal or Landover Baptist Church. So I was worried at first that your painfully emotional story had been mislabeled. Good work.
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