My friend Shamra went to that concert with me and was equally as transfixed by this song. And I am warning you, if you haven’t heard it and you go and download it at my advice, don’t say I didn’t warn you that anytime you have a 10-minute window of free time you’ll be like “SWEET! I can listen to Konstantine.” And I’ll even admit that during 30-minute windows between classes, sometimes Sham and I would sit in silence together and listen to it three times through.
I’ve only seen them play once as a true fan—I basically chaperoned my then-high-school-aged brother and his high school friends to a show at Nation in ’03. I’m pretty sure Andrew (McMahon, frontman/piano player/emo icon) knows that there’d be a major coup d’etat if he didn’t play Konstantine. It’s the number one shout out request at the concert by far. I think its people get scared he WON’T play it because it’s not on any of their full-length albums.
In 2004ish, Something Corporate went on a club tour- little did we know that this would be their last tour (at least to the present time). I got shut out of buying tickets before it sold out. But my good friends, Robbie and Jessica, were fortunate enough to have a pair. WHICH ROBBIE DECIDED TO SELL ON CRAIGSLIST INSTEAD OF TO ME because they were going for about five times face value on Craigslist. First of all, if you are a super fan, you don’t give up tickets. It wasn’t a matter of not being able to go. It was a matter of capitalism. I bet Andrew McMahon hates you and your scalping ways, Robbie. Robbie will never live this down until Something Corporate goes on tour again (which will probably be like 2009) and redeems himself in the form of buying me a ticket (don’t worry, I will buy myself one as a backup plan and then sell that one for five times face value once I’ve secured the Robbie ticket).
Anyway, he kind of avoided a lot of my fury because Andrew formed a side project, Jack’s Mannequin, which is basically Something Corporate but a little happier/less emo. I will never forget the first time I heard them. Rachel and I had just become friends and I was in her car listening to a CD that she thought I’d like. And I had a mini freak out when I heard the first song: DOES SOMETHING CORPRATE HAVE NEW SHIT OUT?! Then I got the Jack’s CD and put that on loop for like a year straight. They’ve come around this area three times in the past year (opened for O.A.R., headlining show in Baltimore, headlining show in DC last night). I still hold that Something Corporate is the tightest, but I love Jack’s Mannequin too. So if they’re playing in the area, I’m not going to say “no.”
Another thing about both bands is that their fans are, um, “devoted.” One of the fun games Jessica, Robbie and I like to play is “Spot the Superfan.” It’s always entertaining.
Last night, Jess, Rob, Rachel, Joe and I saw them play 9:30 club. I thought I spotted the superfan. Man was I wrong. Jess and Rob definitely won that round. My guy was in the second row and liked to interpretive dance the lyrics (for example, from Dark Blue “We were boxing/We were boxing the stars.” This guy was like throwing punches in slow motion and grinding on his girlfriend at the same time). But their chick was about 35, on the balcony and pretty much lost all bodily control during the songs. I mean. IT. WAS. A SHOWTIME.
Finally, the reason for my blog—At every Jack’s show we go to, they always play a Something Corporate song. And I get cised everytime that they might play one of my faves. Konstantine, obviously would be the #1 choice, but I’d totally settle for Straw Dog, Hurricane, Fall or Cavanaugh Park. Basically, Robbie, Jessica and I have a conference before every show to calculate the odds that he will play one of these songs. Last night gave me the greatest hope yet. Andrew went on this whole long schpiel about how he is so appreciative of SoCo fans coming out and shouting out SoCo requests and that he was going to play us “a few.” (By the way, they sold out two nights in a row at 9:30 and apparently he played different SoCo songs last night. I’m trying to find a playlist so I can make sure I don’t have to build a time machine to go back and exchange my tickets for Sunday night). So I guess that time machine talk kind of gives up the fact that none of my top songs were played. “She Paints me Blue” and “21 and Invincible” (a much less punky version) were the last night’s SoCo selections. I mean, I’ll never complain about them playing any SoCo songs, but I KNOW THAT HE KNOWS that everyone wants to hear Konstantine. Hook it, man. Just a little hit?
Anyway, this post, I guess, was more of an explanation of my connection to Something Corporate and Jack’s Mannequin. As usual, Rachel does her concert reviews on her MySpace blog. But as a little preview of what the evening actually encompassed, and her review, I will leave with my following summation of last nights show: “Taking Back Sunday, the Jr. High Years” (the Auditions) and “Franz Ferdinand Goes Heavy Metal” (Head Automatica) opened for “Jack’s Mannequin the Jam Band.” It was a pretty eclectic mix. And a far cry from the emo band, Copeland, that opened for them last time. They were so sad. I thought they were going to hang themselves onstage. That last part of my summation goes with the quote of the night (Robbie’s first reaction after the show):
“Wow. Who knew Jack’s Mannequin was a jam band?”