28 February 2008

Not the same post that has been up for 3 months.

Over the past several months, have the three of you that actually read this been feeling a little more empty inside than usual? I bet you can attribute it to the non-updates you’ve been getting on my life via the weblog medium.

Today, consider your void filled. I’ve decided to come back from my 4-month-long hiatus. For 2 reasons in particular:

1. I’ve gotten out of the habit of writing, apart from my day job, and I miss it. Not that I consider this blog any sort of literary contribution. It just helps keep me on track and in the habit.

2. If I don’t witness, experience, or do something really interesting or bizarre enough to make for a good story, let’s say about once a week, then what sort of existence am I living in the first place?

So without further explanation, we rejoin my life, already in progress.

Tuesday I opened my daily New York Times “UrbanEye” newsletter—a convenient highlight of the goings-on in the city, delivered gmailly (yeah, I make up adverbs) to me each morning.

On a typical day I just skim through this daily briefing while I wait for my Dunkin Donuts coffee to kick in enough for me to deal with hard news—like Gawker and WhatWouldTylerDurdenDo.com?

But Tuesday morning. Tuesday morning’s Times UrbanEye included a standout entry: An event listing which included the perfect storm of elements to convince me to leave my planned MSNBC Democratic debate-watching plans for the evening behind. An event listing that convinced me that my On Demand obsession with HBO’s In Treatment could be suppressed until Wednesday.

An event listing that dropped words and phrases like:
  • “East Village”
  • “$5”
  • “Eugene Mirman” (of Flight of the Conchords and my crazy Halloween night in Brooklyn fame)
  • “Special guests from the likes of SNL, Adult Swim, Conan, etc.”
  • “A surprise not-to-be missed indie band”

Of course I immediately notified my Farmhouse friends, Mike and Sarah, and we made plans to head down that night.

Long story short: Best $5 I have ever spent.

The event was the second-to-last night of “Invite them Up,” an improv/sketch/stand up show that apparently been running under my radar until now and weekly for over 6 years.

Performers hadn’t been announced ahead of time, but when we got to the show (which ended up selling out—I’m guessing capacity was somewhere AROUND 50 people) the program for the night included
  • Eugene Mirman (who, every time I’ve seen him perform leaves me pained with laughter)
  • Zach Galifinakis (genius)
  • (You’ll only know what I’m talking about if you live in New York): the “Little Bit of Luck” guy from those New York Lottery ads that have infected our subway system. He performed in a ridiculous sketch where he plays a shirtless, coked-out version of his commercial character.
  • Todd Barry (“Doggie Bounce Todd” from Flight of the Conchords,” whom I have ‘accidentally’ run into 3 times since Halloween, now. Stop following me, Todd! But really, he just keeps showing up as a special surprise performer whenever I go to a show. Not that I mind—he’s my brand of funny.)
  • A bunch of other comedians
  • and, as the program listed them: “Yo La Mystery Band.” Hmmm…I wonder who that could be.

Yeah—that’s right—SILLY!!—we got to see a short impromptu set of covers and rare songs from Yo La Tengo, with fill-in drum player Todd Barry.

By the end of the night, Sarah had gotten an elbow to the chin by Little Bit of Luck guy, Eugene had blocked me into the bathroom, Todd gave me an awkward “Hey, how’s it going?” (maybe he thinks I am his new stalker), and we had all seen Zach in a women’s bathing suit and beehive hairdo.

Success. Full success.

On a totally unrelated note, I’ve exclusively been listening to Leona Naess (thanks to Charlotte) and Regina Spektor for the past 2 days. Share in my aural joy:

Regina Spektor--"Us"
Leona Naess--"Charm Attack"


Rachel said...

I have officially gotten 3 male co workers hooked on wwtdd and in the mornings when i come in i'm greeted with things like "hey, did you see that angelina jolie is pregnant?" or other gossip info from these guys. its awesome

Anonymous said...